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Which Reusable Nappies are the Best?

Nappies, Diapers whatever you call them, there are so many options, but which ones should you buy? I know when my son was a baby, there were so many options it just became confusing. I ended up with a variety of different brands and styles, so hopefully I can help you work out which ones are right for you.

Things you should consider when buying reusable nappies:


I found that most reusable nappies are less absorbent than disposables. for this reason, I hate to admit that I actually used disposables every time I went out somewhere to save the embarrassment and hassle of a leaky nappy. I did however find the Tots Bots Bamboozle which seemed to be a lot more absorbent than all the other options. The Bamboozle consists of a nappy completely made of bamboo, with an extra clip in absorbency pad. You also need to buy the stretch wrap to go over the top which is a thin PUL cover to hold all the wetness in.


Most reusable nappies have domes that clip up to make the nappy different sizes so it will grow with your child. I found this worked ok, but it did make it more bulky when clipped up to the smallest size. You will find the resizable nappies will be too big for a newborn. You can buy some brands that have specific sizes for different weights. That is by far the best type to use for newborns. As for sizing once your baby grows into a toddler, I find most nappies will fit well until your child is about 3. My son has just stopped wearing a nappy at night at 3 1/2 years old. He is on the small side for his age, but the velcro stopped holding so well as he got older, and they became quite uncomfortable for him.


There is quite a large price range when it comes to reusable nappies. To be honest, I thought the cheap ones were just as good as the expensive ones, aside from the bamboozle which is a bit of a different concept.


I didn't really find one style easier to use than another. The All in one is easier to keep together so you aren't stuck trying to find all the right pieces to put the nappy together. I actually ended up using some of the inserts from other nappies to add absorbency to the all in one nappies, so if you have different types, you can kind of mix n match. I did really like the Bamboozle though because it was so absorbent. I think they call that design a fitted nappy, with a full absorbent nappy and a PUL cover that goes over it.


Reusable nappies are super easy to wash, but they can take a while to dry. It's fine if you have hot sunny days every day, but in the winter here in New Zealand, drying nappies can be challenging. I didn't really find one that dried better than the others, although the bamboozle (fitted) did take longer to dry.

At the end of the day, I would probably buy about 4 different types to test out before you go all in, so you can decide what works best for you. Different nappies can also be good for different situations too. From newborn to 12 months, you will probably go through 6-10 nappies a day, so you will want to stock up! It may cost a lot up front, but it will save you so much money in the long run, AND you are saving the environment.

Using reusable nappies

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