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  • Writer's pictureMaria

Taking Things Back to Basic

In this crazy time we are in at the moment, in the midst or a worldwide pandemic, in a way we have been forced to hit the reset button. I guess over the years it has become normal to have more. We want more. We need more. But do we really? Now that we are being cut off from some of the items we want or need as people raid shops and supermarket shelves, it's a good time to sit back and think, how much do I actually need to survive?

Joshua Becker (author of "The More of Less") believes that having less stuff actually makes you happier because it gives you more time to appreciate the stuff that you really love. And Marie Kondo has a famous quote; "does it spark joy?" if things you own don't spark joy for you, she encourages you to re home them.

My challenge to myself at the moment is asking myself "do I need to BUY this?" A lot of the time the answer to this is actually no. Or if I do need to buy something, I try to find it second hand. The less we buy, the less impact the effects of manufacturing the product has on the environment. And it's one less thing to end up in the landfill at the end of its life.

Maybe it's time to try something new? Can't get any toilet paper? Why not try making your own reusable toilet paper? You might find that it isn't actually as gross as you thought. Can't get bread? Try making your own at home. You can try my breadmaker recipe, it's brilliant.

While life i forcing you to buy less, because products just aren't available, take it as a chance to try taking things back to basic. Reassess what you actually need in your life and what you can do without.

Let me know in the comments what you are doing in response to the shelves in your supermarket being empty. And please don't be one of those people hoarding all the food! There is enough to go around, so lets not be greedy.


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