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  • Writer's pictureMaria

Pantry Challenge

Do you have a pantry that looks like mine? You are trying to switch over to zero waste, using your jars, and saving the planet. But you now you have ended up with a mess in your cupboard. You still have some items in plastic packaging because you are waiting to finish off the packet before you switch over to a jar. But then you have random jars scattered all through your pantry, all different shapes and sizes.

To be honest, I think it is best just to buy, or re purpose a whole lot of jars from the get go, and re organise your pantry into jars at the very beginning of your journey. I did not do this, and I'm sure there are many of you out there that have a pantry that looks like mine! So I challenge you to join me in the "pantry challenge"! I have taken a before photo of my pantry, and I am going to transform it (hopefully) into a masterpiece. And save myself the hassle of having to pull out jars and packages to rummage around for the thing I am looking for.

So what do you say, will you join me?

My pantry... before

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