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  • Writer's pictureMaria

Corona Virus and Zero Waste

So I have been sitting back watching while the world goes crazy over Corona Virus, aka COVID-19. The supermarket shelves have been cleared out by crazy people going to stock up on food and toilet paper (?) so they can go and self isolate. The stock markets are dropping. Events are being cancelled worldwide. Flights are cheap... nobody wants to fly anywhere anymore. It's all madness.

But how will the zero waste movement be affected? I have heard a lot of talk on this topic, which I believe started by Starbucks making the decision to stop accepting reusable cups. I believe that people who have already incorporated zero waste into their life are actually better off. I mean, I have no problem with the nappy shortage, it's business as usual for me and my babies with our reusable nappies. And if food runs out, we've got a bit of a supply in our veggie garden. Those who have made a serious veggie garden will last even longer! All the food I had already bought in bulk like rice and flour to save on packaging will come in handy. And if we have to self isolate, we can still have fresh bread everyday with our handy dandy bread maker!

On the matter of toilet paper, I don't know why people are stocking up so much. Is the human race going to die from a lack of toilet paper?! I'm sure if it comes down to it, we can just cut up some old t-shirts and wash them. Not much different to nappies going through the wash in my opinion. Or if that grosses you out, you can always wash your butt off in the shower after you do your business.

At the end of the day I say we are better off for going zero waste. We will be so much better prepared for something like this when we live in a way that we are pretty much self sufficient. And about the coffee places banning reusable coffee cups? Why not make yourself a coffee at home?


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