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  • Writer's pictureMaria

The Best Breadmaker Bread

Hello! I am so happy to be writing this post today. Fresh bread in the morning is one of my favourite things about going zero waste. And probably the ONLY thing my husband likes about going zero waste. The bread is actually his thing. He loves putting all the ingredients in the breadmaker at night and putting the timer on so it will be ready for him just as he wakes up in the morning. There is nothing better to wake up to than the smaell of freshly baked bread wafting through your house!

We have tried many recipes, and most were a bit hit and miss. We played around with the ingredients a little and came up with this recipe.

A note on yeast: The yeast is usually the deciding factor for your bread being a success or a failure. Make sure you use fresh yeast, and store it in the fridge after you open it.


250ml warm water

2 tablespoons white sugar

3 teaspoons active yeast mixture (I use Edmonds Surebake)

4 tablespoons olive oil

3 cups high grade flour

1 teaspoon salt


1/4 cup flaxseed

1/4 cup sunflower seeds


1. Add the ingredients to the pan of the breadmaker in the order listed.

2. Place the pan in the breadmaker and set to the standard loaf setting.

3. Push start.

Could it be any easier?

And just a quick note to say that your bread should look 100 times better than the photo above. That loaf was from one of the old recipies and it deflated a bit after it was cooked.

Happy baking!


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